As this Pandemic continues the need for PPE for our responders continues. We continue to search for opportunities to purchase the PPE to keep our Fire and EMS responders safe but it has been difficult. With the help of Kennett Township the Kennett Area Region has coordinated a regional PPE drive. Items donated with support not only the 3 local area fire companies (Kennett, Longwood and Po-Mar-Lin) but will also support the local police departments. See below for additional information about what and how you can donate. We thank you in advance for anything you can provide.
Here are some things we can use: - N95, Surgical, and/or dust/constructions masks in the original packing - Disinfectant spray cleaner and/or wipes - Hand Sanitizer - Hand Soap - Ziplock Bags (quart or gallon size) to store PPE kits in vehicles and bags - Square Food Storage Containers (1.25 QT/3.5" deep) * We are forced to reuse N95 masks due to low supply so we store them in these containers to prevent cross contamination* - Welch Allyn SureTemp 690 Thermometer Probe Covers - Medical Gowns/Painting suits - Bottled Driving Water/Gatorade/Soda - Food and Snacks
Donations can be dropped off to the Longwood Fire Company station. Items should be brought to the Red door next to the picnic table in the rear parking lot. The station is not open to the public to prevent exposure to the staff. We can get the items from you outside in the parking lot of they can be left in the available plastic bins. Please leave us your name and contact info with the donation. If you choose we can provide a thank you receipt for taxes. We are extremely thankful for the support we have received already. We thank everyone else in advance for their donations. We will all get through this together. Please remember to frequently wash your hands and practice social distancing so you are not exposed to the virus. |